This message does not require action by users who administered the Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) alternate assessment during the 2019-2020 instructionally embedded assessment window.
To exit/force close the PLTW Kite Student Portal:. On a Windows machine, press Control+Alt+Delete and close the PLTW Kite Student Portal. On a Mac, press the power button to close the app. 16 email protected 877-335-7589 If the internet connection is lost while your student is testing in the PLTW Kite Student Portal, testing machines. Whitelist the PLTW Kite Student Portal? How do I assign Informative Assessments? Can a student save their answers without submitting or ending the test? Which role and permissions will I have? How do I edit my profile in the Educator Portal? Home Assessments. Assessments - Project Lead the Way.
Pltw Kite Student Portal 2.0
For the 2019-2020 school year, Kite® Student Portal has been upgraded to Version 7.0. Users mustuninstall any outdated versions of Student Portal from Windows and/or Mac testing devices and install Version 7.0. If attempting to access an outdated version of Student Portal, the following message will display.
If automatic updates are enabled on iPad or Chromebook devices, Student Portal will automatically download and update.
Kite Portal Download
Directions for removing old versions and downloading Kite Student Portal Version 7.0 can be found on the DLM website under the Kite Suite tab.